Friday, August 29, 2008

Additional Stories for September-October 2008

The Problem - And the Solution

In the article below, Richard Laermer explains why he believes that traditional
book publishing is dead. But as Poynter and Snow explain in our book, using new technologies to slash costs, and using grassroots marketing methods to reach readers more directly, still works!

Recommended reading:

Ad: Prove Your Market Before Printing in Bulk

Special services for visitors help you prove the
market for your book BEFORE you invest in bulk printing:

Don't get stuck with a garage full of unsold books! Test your
book's public appeal at little or no cost before placing big
print orders.


The Publishers Marketing Association has changed its name to
the Independent Book Publishers Association... new name, same
great benefits for members. Join IBPA, SPAN and SPAWN whether
you are new to publishing or a veteran:

Reminder: The Writer's "Secret Weapon" Arrives

Is "there" or "their" or "they're" the right word?

New software takes over where Word's spell checker stops:

Money back guarantee. Reviews from early adopters wanted at where you can share ideas with
fellow authors and publishers.

News to Use

Good advice on getting published from Judith Kelman:

Please feel free to forward copies of this bulletin to your
fellow authors and publishers. This is a fre@ resource that is
available to anyone in the book world upon request. We don't
accept paid advertising, endorse or guarantee products or
services, nor accept fees for mentioning them without full
disclosure. Please visit to subscribe.

e-Rights v. tree-Rights

A new article by intellectual property lawyer Ivan Hoffman
discusses the difference between print rights and electronic
rights, a subject of growing importance to writers in the 21st

DIY Book Festival Contest

Deadline: Oct. 25, 2008. Grand Prize $1500. Entry fee $50.
Many catagories. Details:

Quotation of the Month

"Writing ought either to be the manufacture of stories for which
there is a market demand - a business as safe and commendable as
making soap or breakfast foods - or it should be an art, which
is always a search for something for which there is no market
demand, something new and untried, where the values are intrinsic
and have nothing to do with standardized values."

-- Willa Cather, 1876–1947

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